The reporter noted in an appalled voice, "Victims had to give evidence in front of their abuser!"
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
ABC News Australia Report: Jehovah's Witnesses accused of failing to adopt abuse inquiry recommendations
by AndersonsInfo in
The reality of "shunning" and character assasination highlighted at the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inonce again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
cha ching
jwfacts... I was wondering if you have ever spoken to Angus about the "mental ingraining" that JWs have of "This is Jehovah's organization, we must protect the image of it" "We don't want Jehovah's name damaged"
(I can't even remember the exact way witnesses say this... I never did my self... I thought, "God can protect his own name, let people go down with their own wrongdoings")
I mean I was standing next to a close relative of an abuse victim, who one moment was calling the WT lawyers liars, and the next moment just about screaming that she had to protect Jehovah's name.
I do not understand how it is not something easily found written in any publications, but it is buried deep into many JW's brains, and pops out of their mouths so automatically.
Have you been able to help Angus become aware of this?
fromBarbara Anderson/charities commission child abuse inquiry UK
by zeb injehovah’s witnesses “child safeguarding policy” (great britain, ireland, uk) – 2017. analysis of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and the republic of ireland [2017].
by barbara anderson.
2013’s “watch tower bible and tract society of britain and congregations of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and ireland child safeguarding policy” (wtb&ts of britain’s csp) document was considered to be the official watch tower policy until the release on january 1 of the 2017 “child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom, etc.,” (csp of jws in the uk).”.
cha ching
I just finished watching the latest review by the ARC, and WT's two representatives, Spinks & O'Brian, just made it clearer and clearer to the panel of six judges, that the WT and the people in it have no heart.
Justice McClellan said, (basically) 'you realize that that is cruel..... just cruel... to take away someone's social structure and family when they decide they can no longer live in the JW organization.'
And the other judge, at the end wonders if they do any pastoral work now? like pay for these children's psychiatrist's bills.... The WT reps answered in legal terms again...
Why don't they "show love".... Why is love not one of the greatest commandments?
I think Barbara found the answer in their Body of Elder's letter Nov 1, 2016:
There was a reference to the matter of property damage to Kingdom Halls from “break-ins, thefts, incidents of arson, or other acts of vandalism.”
The rule is to “promptly report it to the local authorities.” There is no indication that elders may choose to report the damage to the authorities in those situations.
Apparently, for elders buildings are more important than children.
The "Paradise" as promised by the Watchtower
by Saethydd ini was thinking today about the descriptions of the future "paradise" presented by the watchtower, and i was struck by something about it.
most of us are aware that the watchtower promotes an interpretation of the apocalypse that would result in the immediate execution of 99.9% of the population with no hope for resurrection.
additionally, we have been told about the large group of people that are supposed to side with satan at the end of the thousand year reign of christ.
cha ching
OMG, ADD.... I never thought about it quite that way... No test, no worries... just go to heaven!
PUT YOUR THINKING CAPS ON...AGAIN! (Zeb's thread regarding 1914)
by redpilltwice in23 days ago, zeb posted this familiar but ever intriguing thread regarding 1914, the mother of all topics.. put youir [sic] thinking caps on.zeb 23 days ago this was sent to me from doug shields blog.
for those who like stats and numbers may find this of interest.1914 – recognizing the ”the elephant in the room”.
the problem with the date ”1914 ad” lays with the two calendars that are involved – jewish and gregorian.
cha ching
Actually, I was just thinking about this last week... but I did not have the time to reaffirm all that "I knew."
Just like JW's cannot claim to "not be clergy" and then claim "clergy penitent rights" when they don't want to testify in court.... they should not be allowed to claim "we must use the Jewish calendar of 360 days to be accurate" and then switch to using the Gregorian calendar of 365 days in the same equation.
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
cha ching
I have wondered, like tor1500, are "they" just waiting for all the old guys to die?
We're some involved in the pedophilia?
Do some of those men have information that "The Watchtower" wants to die with them? Did those men hide information?
It seems like "The Org" always trys to hedge it's bets, to always comes out on top. WT always trys to minimize is losses, right?
An American Working in Mexico [Verified]
by Hecce inpartial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
cha ching
If people do want to immigrate, become part of the U.S., they should do the same thing I have to do. Work, pay taxes, contribute. If the Mexican (or any other) people who work so hard were allowed to get green cards to pay taxes and contribute, even that would help solve the burden of "free" healthcare for non contributors.
It is not that fact that someone 'immigrates', it is whether they work, pay taxes and contribute like everyone else before expecting the benefits that everyone else has to work for, and even then... do not always receive.
An American Working in Mexico [Verified]
by Hecce inpartial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
cha ching
Thank you, ILoveTTATT2 it seems as tho there are many circumstances, different situations for working, not working, green cards, citizenship, temporary residence, etc...
I was born in the U.S., and there have always been "immigration laws" .... People are suppose to follow them, Presidents, police, immigrants, we are all suppose to follow them.
That is why I am so surprised that there are all these crowds of protesters objecting to 'immigration laws.' When did I, as a U.S. citizen get to 'stop following the law'?
I wonder why all these protesters act as if "illegal" immigrants don't have to follow the law just like I have to? That is the part I do not get.
An American Working in Mexico [Verified]
by Hecce inpartial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
cha ching
Just wondering, ILoveTATT2, did you work in Mexico also?
RC 2017
by wifibandit indue to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
cha ching
"The Wife of Lot" keeps being repeated... We know we have stolen your youth, but.... "don't look back "